Tongali-X aim is an incubation program aimed at bridging the gap between the academic and business worlds. The program provides funding, mentorship and physical and informational resources that researchers need to launch and grow university-based startups. Participants will also have access to Tongali’s extensive global network of experts and supporters. It’s important to note that Tongali-X provides startups with access to co-working spaces and makers’ studio, as well as full suits of equipment and amenities, such as 3D printers and machinery tools, to support their innovation. The program makes all kinds of resources and services available to startups to help them get their foot into entrepreneurship and clear all the hurdles they may face along the way.
Tongali XIncubation

When a startup with a high level of business risk raises funds, it is common for start-ups to switch partners (investors) depending on the stage of the business, for example, private investors (angel investors) during the establishment phase and venture capitalists (VCs) during the growth phase. In particular, many university-initiated ventures are research and development-oriented, and some are seen to remain at the idea, or basic research stage. The Tongali provides appropriate and seamless matching support for fundraising, from seed and early stages to exit in collaboration with VC’s with a track record of investing in university-initiated startups.
Facilities and Equipment

Incubation facilities have been established at each university to serve as a base for fostering venture companies that utilize the results of research at the university.
Incubation facilities at each university

The word “mentor” has become widely established in Japan as well. As you probably know, the word originated from the wise man “Mentor” in the Odyssey, who assumed the role of educator for the Prince. In recent years, with the flood of information and the diversification of needs, there is a limit to how much education can be provided by so-called “textbook” learning and training programs to be responsible for individual growth. What is important here is to clarify what we need to know and what challenges we need to overcome, then find a “teacher”. The Tongali introduce mentors with diverse experience and knowledge and a wide network of national and international contacts, ranging from biotechnology to IT and investment experts. Mentors are not limited to technical guidance, but can also be flexible enough to deal with more essential and important issues such as mindsets, attitudes and values.
Spreading Ideas

Every business starts by helping people understand your technology, your business and even yourself. Most of the time, people don’t even show interest, however, interest is how you grow your business and yourself. This process is the innovation creation process. In other words, information dissemination requires clearer customer/investor perspective and a higher sense of purpose than you might imagine. We support to find people who understand and support your business by providing the opportunities of information dissemination and a place for discussion with customers.
Regional Cooperation

In a rapidly changing business environment, it is extremely difficult to conduct business on your own. On the other hand, a venture company’s business plan needs to be refined by effectively testing a hypotheses with society. The most effective way to bring in management resources that contribute to growth, such as new technology and information, is to collaborate with the local community.In particular, Aichi prefecture is one of Japan’s leading regions for manufacturing, with a high concentration of industries.The Tongali supports the growth of business by effectively linking local resources with venture companies.
Support Program

Tongali supporters (companies and organizations) offer programs to support entrepreneurs. Please contact Tongali Office at Nagoya University for more information about the programs you would like to take advantage of.
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