ソーシャルインパクトワークショップSocial Impact Workshop
- 開催日時 ※ このイベントは終了しました
日時: 2021年05月06日-2021年05月20日(木)
時間: 終日
- 開催場所
- 名古屋大学 NIC 3階 大会議室
愛知県名古屋市千種区不老町 ナショナル・イノベーション・コンプレックス(NIC) 3階
- 対象
- 東海地区の大学の学部生・大学院生・ポストドクター・留学生
概要 Overview
This workshop aims to learn theory and practice of social impacts and idea creation methods through focusing on to solve social issues in Africa. There will be both face to face (at Nagoya University) and online workshops, we will conduct online interviews with communities in Kenya, Africa to explore ways to solve local problems. On the final day, you will have a opportunity to present your idea to local people in Africa.
We are waiting for your applications!

Social impact is the significant, positive change that addresses a pressing social challenge.
This theme will focus on the Republic of Kenya, a major country in East Africa. Kenya is a country located on the east coast of the African continent. It is bordered by Somalia to the east, Ethiopia and Sudan to the north, Uganda to the west, and Tanzania to the south. Kenya is home to both new and traditional cultures and modern cultures that have emerged from the influence of various cultures. The capital city, Nairobi, is the centre of business and has the latest IT facilities.
Even though it is a major country in East Africa, there is one of the largest slums in Africa, the Kibera Slum, south of the capital, where many people live on about 200 yen a day. Safaricom, a prominent local cell phone company, provides a fund transfer service called Mpesa. There are many solutions to solve local issues by utilizing services used even by the poor.
This workshop will be based on the concept of system design and Lean Impact to discover issues in the Republic of Kenya, hypothesize, test hypotheses, and create prototypes, with the ultimate goal of creating services that allow participants to take action on their own.
開催情報 Information
2021年6月5日(土)~8月28日(土) 全6回
5th June (sat) ~ 28th August 2021 (sat) 6 sessions
日時 Date & Time | 内容 Contents | 実施方法 Method | |
1 | 6月5日(土) 10:00~17:30 5th June (sat) 10:00~17:30 |
ソーシャルインパクトとは? システムデザインシンキング What is social impact? / System design thinking |
対面実施 Offline |
2 | 6月19日(土) 10:00~17:30 19th June (sat) 10:00~17:30 |
価値の創出 ソーシャルインパクトモデル Value creation / Social impact model |
対面実施 Offline |
3 | 7月3日(土) 13:00~17:30 3rd July (sat) 13:00~17:30 |
実用最小限の製品 プロトタイプ Minimum valuable product / Prototype |
オンライン Online |
4 | 7月17日(土) 13:00~17:30 17th July (sat) 13:00~17:30 |
成長とインパクト ファイナンシャルプラン Growth and impact / Financial plan |
オンライン Online |
5 | 8月7日(土) 13:00~17:30 7th August (sat) 13:00~17:30 |
事業案の発表の方法 How to make a presentation? |
オンライン Online |
6 | 8月28日(土) 13:00~17:30 28th August (sat) 13:00~17:30 |
事業案の発表 Presentation |
対面実施 Offline |
実施方法 Method
【対面実施 Offline】
名古屋大学 東山キャンパス
ナショナル・イノベーション・コンプレックス(NIC) 3階 大会議室
(愛知県名古屋市千種区不老町) [アクセス]
NIC 3F, Higashiyama campus, Nagoya University [Access]
【オンライン実施 Online】
Zoom meeting
定員 Number of recruits
20 persons
対象 Eligibility
University students, Graduate students, Postdoctoral fellows and International students from Universities in the Tokai region
言語 Language
English (Language support will be provided)
参加費 Fee
申込期限 Application deadline
20th May 2021 (thu)
講師 Lecturers

原 健太 氏
- 株式会社AfricaScan ゼネラルマネージャー
- 株式会社ソニックアーク 代表取締役社長
- 立命館大学 客員研究員
- 一般社団法人アフリカクエスト 理事
Kenta Hara
- General Manager, AfricaScan Inc.
- President and Representative Director, Sonic Arc Inc.
- Visiting researcher, Ritsumeikan University
- Directer, AfricaQuest Ltd.
After graduating from Tokyo University of Agriculture with a Master’s degree in International Agricultural Development, he worked as a research assistant at the same university, and in 2014, he was assigned to Samoa as a JICA (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) to promote health through vegetables. After returning to Japan, she worked as a University Research Administrator (URA) at Ritsumeikan University, where she was engaged in intellectual property management, new business development, and project management. Completed the Lean Launchpad Program at Osaka University and Ritsumeikan University. Participated in this program as a mentor. Completed the Advanced Facilitator Program at the University of Tokyo’s iSchool (Design Thinking). Currently, as General Manager of AfricaScan, a social marketing company, he is working to solve medical issues and improve health in Kenya and East Africa.

林 宣伶 氏
- 大阪府立大学 特認助教
- NPO法人SharingCaringCulture 理事
- Imusha 代表
- 米国PMI認定PMP
Sunyoung Lim
- Project Assistant Professor, Osaka Prefecture University
- Director, NPO SharingCulture
- President and Representative, Imusha
- PMP certified by PMI.
伝統音楽教師、大韓航空グランドスタッフ、千葉大学先進的マルチキャリア博士人材養成プログラム事務職、信州大学助教・University Research Administratorを経て現職。信州大学では、国際学術推進制度策定、大型産学官連携研究プロジェクト、異分野研究ワークショップ、産学官コーディネーター向けワークショップ設計・実施、高校生向けデザイン思考と用いたイノベーション教育に従事。
Born in South Korea, she graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor’s degree in music and a master’s degree in system design and management at Keio University, and has worked as a traditional music teacher, ground staff of Korean Air, administrative staff of Chiba University’s Advanced Multi-Career Doctoral Training Program, University Research Administrator(URA) at Shinshu University. she was a teacher of international academics. At Shinshu University, she has been involved in the development of international academic promotion systems, large-scale industry-academia-government collaborative research projects, interdisciplinary research workshops, design and implementation of workshops for industry-academia-government coordinators, and innovation education using design thinking for high school students.

福吉 潤 氏
- 株式会社キャンサースキャン 代表
- 慶應義塾大学 大学院健康マネジメント研究科 非常勤講師
- 大阪大学 大学院超域イノベーション博士課程 特別講師
- 中央大学 大学院戦略経営研究科 兼任講師
Jun Fukuyoshi
- President and CEO, Cancer Scan co., Ltd
- Part-time lecturer, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University
- Special lecturer, Doctoral Program in Transdisciplinary Innovation, Osaka University
- Special Lecturer, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University
- Adjunct Lecturer, Graduate School of Strategic Management, Chuo University
P&G Japanでブランドマネージャーとしてマーケティング/ブランドマネジメントを担当後ハーバードビジネススクールに進学。2008年7月ハーバードビジネススクール研究員として従事したのち2008年11月株式会社キャンサースキャンを創業。博士(医学)
B.A. in Policy Management, Keio University; M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
After working as a researcher at Harvard Business School in July 2008, he founded CancerScan Inc. in November 2008.
Part-time lecturer at the Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University.
申込締切 Application deadline
2021年5月20日(木) 20th May 2021 (thu)
→ 5月20日17時をもって締め切りました
名古屋大学 Tongaliプロジェクト事務局 [メールフォーム]
〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町 ナショナル・イノベーション・コンプレックス(NIC) 3階 311号室
TEL: 052-747-6490