Episode 1 : The STARTUP LIFE

名古屋大学 主催:Tongali Project, Nagoya University TMI & DII
開催日時 ※ このイベントは終了しました
日時: 2022年01月11日(火)
時間: 12:10-12:50

International Students ( Japanese students are also welcome )


Information exchange sessions for international students considering starting a business in Japan

Event Info ( PDF )
Event Info ( PDF )

This first session will give international students an overview of life as a startup founder. A number of former and current international students who are engaged in startup activities will be invited to share their experiences and insights, providing candid and meaningful information for international students who wish to start their own businesses in Japan.

Event Information

January 11 (Tue), 2022   12:10 – 12:50

Venue Online / Zoom ( Registrants will be sent a Zoom link 3 days before the event )
Eligibility International Students ( Japanese students are also welcome )
Language Mainly English


The Startup Life プロジェクトの紹介+ファシリテーター紹介(2分程度)
Introduction to the STARTUP LIFE Project

  1. 起業した先輩からの経験談(25分程度、2名)
    Insights from Experience

Our first speaker is Yansong Guo, Co-Founder of OPTIMIND, which is one of the most successful companies started by Nagoya University students. He is a PhD student Majoring in Theoretical Astronomy (TA 研)  at the School of Science, Nagoya University.

Our second speaker is Mr. Hyunwoong Kim, the Co-Founder of MANAMUSU, a newly founded company that aims to match tutors and students. He is a 4th year undergraduate student in Theoretical Astronomy (TA 研) at the School of Science, Nagoya University.

  1. 質疑応答・ディスカッション(10分程度)
    Q&A + Discussion
  2. その他 Other (2分程度)
  • Tongaliプロジェクトの紹介
    Introduction of the Tongali Project
  • 修士・博士5年一貫の大学院プログラム(TMIDII)の紹介
    Introduction of TMI and DII


Yukiko Konishi, Ms.

The Tongali Project
Nagoya University

Emanuel Leleito, Dr. Eng.

Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya University