Tチャン 海外編 <5>T-Chan International Edition
Mistakes are inevitable, especially common mistakes of early-stage or first-time entrepreneurs (but not only).
In this session, we will talk about problem-oriented thinking, creating value and choosing your market wisely.
Mr. Nimord will share with you some of his personal experiences and the best practices to help you improve your chances to make things right with your venture.
Guest Speaker

Mr. Nimrod Kramer
CEO and Co-Founder of daily.dev
Nimrod Kramer氏は、イスラエルに拠点を置く技術系のシリアルアントレプレナーです。dail y. devのCEO兼共同創業者で、dail y. devは、世界中の開発者のためのホームページを作るコミュニティ主導のスタートアップです。以前は、The Elegant Monkeysを共同設立し、日本市場向けにEmotion AI技術を開発していらっしゃいました。 日本文化、コーヒー、卓球、そして開発者が最新の情報を得られるようサポートすることに情熱を注いでいます(必ずしもこの順番ではありません)。
Mr. Nimrod Kramer is a serial tech entrepreneur based in Israel. Mr. Nimrod is the CEO and Co-Founder of daily.dev, a community-driven startup that’s building the homepage for every developer in the world. Formerly, Mr. Nimrod co-founded The Elegant Monkeys that developed an Emotion AI technology for the Japanese market. He is passionate about Japanese culture, coffee, table tennis, and helping developers stay up-to-date, not necessarily in that order.
Event Information
2022年9月7日(水) 15:00 – 16:00
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 15:00 – 16:00
実施方法 Venue |
Zoom ウェビナーによるライブ配信 Zoom webinar |
対象 Eligibility |
どなたでも参加可、特に大学生・大学院生 Anyone, especially university students and graduate students |
言語 Language |
英語 English |
参加費 Fee |
無料 Free of charge |
視聴申込 Deadline |
開催当日締切 The day of the event |
注意事項 Note |
オンラインイベントにおける注意事項をご一読ください。 Please read the notes for online events. |
Gad H. Gershoni
名古屋大学 大学院文学研究科 日本文化学 博士課程3年
Ph.D. Candidate, Japanese Culture Studies Department, Nagoya University

In our talk with Mr. Nimrod Kramer, we discussed some ways to identify problems. Problems are essential for starting a business or a new project in an existing corporation. Why are problems important? Because solving problems is the fundamental reason to start a start-up or a new project. Instead of providing success stories, Mr. Kramer discussed common themes that lead to failures. First, we have to identify a good problem and provide it with a viable and efficient solution. A “good” problem is a problem that is painful, frequent, costly, and popular. Furthermore, we must not confuse a problem with symptoms of problems.
We also discussed how to try to create value for multiple audiences while solving a problem. Also, we argued that a big problem is more valuable to answer, so people will tend to support your solution more.
These are very important skills, frameworks, and mindsets that will help to cultivate the building blocks for every future venture you might take. Due to time limitations, we could only hear half of Nimrod’s amazing presentation. Nonetheless, anyone who listens to it this recording, and those who participate live, will surely learn some crucial lessons for the future.
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