Mr. Mike-Alec Kearney
Mr. Mike-Alec Kearney
Kearney氏はキューブスペースのCEOで、電気工学と機械工学の両方で修士号を取得し、強い技術的バックグラウンドを持っています。留学後、CubeSpace Satellite Systemsを共同設立し、現在では世界最大級の衛星姿勢決定・制御システム(ADCS)サプライヤーとなっています。
Mr. Kearney is the CEO of CubeSpace, with a strong technical background through M.Sc degrees in both electrical and mechanical engineering. After studying, he co-founded CubeSpace Satellite Systems, which is now one of the largest satellite attitude determination and control system (ADCS) suppliers globally.
The company offers modular, low-power ADCS components with class-leading performance and are designed to be compatible with almost all commercially available CubeSat suppliers. We evaluate our customers’ ADCS needs, choose the correct hardware solution, and tailor this solution to correctly integrate into their satellite.
特定の業界をリードするグローバル企業のCEOになるには、何が必要なのでしょうか。 Kearney氏は、学生エンジニアからキューブスペースのCEOになるまでの道のりを紹介し、人、関係、ビジネスプロセスを管理する際に、どのように困難を乗り越えてきたかについてご説明いたします。また、その過程で学んだ貴重な教訓と、それを自分のキャリアツールキットにどのように取り入れることができるかをお話いたします。
What does it take to become the CEO of one of the global market leaders within a specific industry? Mike will share his journey as a student engineer to becoming the CEO of CubeSpace, and how he was able to navigate and overcome challenges when managing people, relationships, and business processes. He will discuss the valuable lessons that he has learned along the way, and how you can include them in your own career toolkit.
2023年4月20日(木) 15:00 – 16:00
Thursday, April 20, 2023 15:00 – 16:00
実施方法 Venue |
Zoom ウェビナーによるライブ配信 Zoom webinar |
対象 Eligibility |
どなたでも参加可、特に大学生・大学院生 Anyone, especially university students and graduate students |
言語 Language |
英語 English |
参加費 Fee |
無料 Free of charge |
視聴申込 Deadline |
開催当日締切 The day of the event |
注意事項 Note |
オンラインイベントにおける注意事項をご一読ください。 Please read the notes for online events. |
Zuma Magcino Phiwayinkosi Thokozani
2nd year
Graduate school of International Development
Nagoya University
It was a privilege for me to participate in the T-Chan event that was organized by Tongali. I had an opportunity to engage with CubeSpace and learned about their journey and the way in which the company was financed which stood out for me. I discovered cooperation between the shareholders and employees is the key combination to the success of the startup. Through engagement, I learned that managing diversity and creating a conducive culture is critical. I am of the view that T-Chan and Tongali are doing a fantastic job by identifying the startups and linking them with the students so that great ideas can be shared and that will encourage students to venture into business at an early stage. Being the MC for the first time was very exciting for me, and should I get an opportunity to do it again I will not hesitate to grab it.
Thank you T-Chan and Tongali for affording me such an amazing opportunity.
名古屋大学 Tongali事務局 [メールフォーム]
〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町 ナショナル・イノベーション・コンプレックス(NIC) 3階 311号室
TEL: 052-747-6490