2つ目は、その流れの中でパリで2年前に起業した今井講師自身の経験、特にコロナ禍におけるビジネスのイノベーションについてご紹介します。またフランス最大インキュベーターStation Fに在籍した経験から、Incubatorの選び方についての知見も共有します。
Tチャン 海外編 <4>T-Chan International Edition
Mainly three topics will be discussed.
The first part will be the trend of French tech. President Macron, who was still Minister of Economy in eight years ago, started to support startups in earnest symbolized by the creation of the StationF. The French Tech ecosystem is currently experiencing remarkable growth, and the uniqueness of French Tech in Europe will be discussed, along with comparisons with other European countries.
Secondly, she will share her own experience of starting a business in Paris two years ago, especially about business innovation in the Pandemic. She will also share how to choose an incubator based on her experience at Station F, the largest incubator in France.
Lastly, she will share about the startup ecosystem in Japan, especially the challenges in developing business overseas.
Guest Speaker

今井 公子
Kimiko Imai
CEO and Founder of SINEORA
Ms. Imai hold MBA from Waseda University in 2000. After working for Japanese and international companies in Tokyo, she moved to France in 2010. Currently she lives in Paris and is a mother of two children. For the past 18 years, she has been at the forefront of digital transformation at international companies such as Nokia and Dassault Systèmes in Tokyo and Paris, leading change through innovation. She launched SINEORA after she turned 40. SINEORA supports cross-border open innovation to increase the international competitiveness of Japanese companies.
SI NEORA(シンノラ)は、フランス・パリを拠点に、現地のスタートアップ企業とオープンイノベーションを望む日本企業をつなぐ会社である。日本語で「境界」と訳される「ORA」に、否定を表す接頭辞「SINE」を付けた造語で、「ボーダーレス」という意味合いを表している。大小問わず企業というのは、新規事業の創出なしに成長を見込めない時代に突入し、海外企業との協業を視野に入れながらも、海外市場の情報や知見が少ないがために好機を失い、情報収集やソーシングばかりに時間とリソースが取られている。SINEORAが持つ網羅性の高いデータベースと優れたコンサルティング力を活かすことで、企業が最適なビジネスマッチングを実現し、両者それぞれが本領を発揮して新たな価値創造をする環境を創ることを目的としている。
SINEORA is based in Paris, France and connects local start-ups with Japanese companies wishing to engage in open innovation. SINEORA means “borderless” is coined word of “ORA,” which means “boundary” and adding the prefix “SINE,” which denotes negation. Many Japanese companies, both large and small, have entered an era in which growth cannot be expected without the creation of new businesses, and while they are looking to collaborate with overseas companies, they are losing opportunities due to a lack of information and knowledge of overseas markets. SINEORA’s highly comprehensive database and excellent consulting capabilities will enable companies to realize optimal business matching and create an environment where both parties can demonstrate their true potential and create new value.
Event Information
2022年7月21日(木) 16:00 – 17:00
Thursday, July 21, 2022 16:00 – 17:00
実施方法 Venue |
Zoom ウェビナーによるライブ配信 Zoom webinar |
対象 Eligibility |
どなたでも参加可、特に大学生・大学院生 Anyone, especially university students and graduate students |
言語 Language |
日本語 Japanese |
参加費 Fee |
無料 Free of charge |
視聴申込 Deadline |
開催当日締切 The day of the event |
注意事項 Note |
オンラインイベントにおける注意事項をご一読ください。 Please read the notes for online events. |
古川 紗帆 Saho Furukawa
岐阜大学大学院 自然科学技術研究科 生命科学・化学専攻 1年
M1, Department of Life Science and Chemistry,
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,
Gifu University

MC 古川 紗帆(岐阜大学)
名古屋大学 Tongali事務局 [メールフォーム]
〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町 ナショナル・イノベーション・コンプレックス(NIC) 3階 311号室
TEL: 052-747-6490